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Resources for Success!

Get the right resources to ensure a successful and enriching academic experience. Whether you're a student, parent, or educator, having access to valuable tools and information can make all the difference.

Download & Stream

Sign in with your library card number to start borrowing now. Check out up to 15 items at one time and keep for 14 days. Find themed titles for holidays and celebrations!


Sign in with your library card number and choose "Kids" to start watching animated shows, story times, read-along storybooks, and much more. Works in your browser or the Kanopy app.

Download 5 songs per week or stream 5 hours of music per day with your library card. Children's playlists are available as well as world music and classic collections.

Read comics in your browser or in the Library Pass Comics Plus app. Just sign in with your library card number and choose a category. Titles can be filtered by age and language.



September ACT Special Offer
Register for the September ACT and get $9 off test questions and answers
(Test Information Release - TIR) delivered after you test! Use promo code SEPTTIR.

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College Board reaches more than 7 million students a year, helping them navigate the path from high school to college and career. Our not-for-profit membership organization was founded more than 120 years ago.

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Refine your search with More Search Options to select additional search criteria.
Build a list of schools using My Favorites for side-by-side comparisons.


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Schoolwork have you down? Stuck on an algebra problem? Need help with your writing? Does your resume need polishing?

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